Friday, May 10, 2013

Mother's Day

Every Mother's Day I am honored and humbled that the Lord allowed me to mother 3 beautiful, healthy children.  Being a mother is HARD and I won't pretend it's roses and buttercups because there are days when it is far from it.  It's hard, selfless, trying, humbling, and exhausting...but SO worth all the hard times.  I absolutely am reminded that being a mother is an honor and a privilege beyond any other and other than my Savior and my husband, those three children that God loaned me are my life.  They give sunshine to the rainy days and their smiles are a constant reminder to me that we serve a gracious God. 

Being a parent reminds me to appreciate my mother and the way that she raised me.  I had NO idea then what being a mother was like and now that I am one, I appreciate her much more now than I ever did growing up.  I recognize the times when she didn't tell us we were broke but came up with money to buy something (probably selfishly requested) that we "needed" (wanted), sacrificed things for herself so we wouldn't do without, let us make mistakes and get boo-boos because she knew it would teach us to be independent and healthy and learn from our mistakes, and gave us rules (just because momma said so!) for our own good.  And today I am grateful for my mom...

And I am just as thankful for Jay's mom.  She obviously did a wonderful job raising him or I wouldn't be married to him!  She sacrificed more than she will ever admit to allow Jay to grow up to be the amazing man that he is.  I will be forever indebted to her that she raised an amazing, Godly, wonderful husband and father!

And even better than that, they are both even better grandmothers!  We love you both and are so thankful for you and look forward to celebrating next week!

But the three reasons that make Mother's Day an honorable job is to hug these three necks everyday...I had no idea love could multiply the way that it does that sometimes it's as if it will explode!

I am also reminded every Mother's Day that it is bittersweet for some for various reasons...infertility, death of a mom, separation from family etc.  It breaks my heart to think of those that experience these things but also know that God is faithful, His timing is not ours and each day is a gift.  Two recent blogs that I read that are worth posting are When Mother's Day is Hard and Why Mother's Day is for the Birds!

Happy Mother's Day to all!

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