Two Sundays ago on May 12, right after her 4th birthday, Lucy was able to move from the 2/3 year old room at church to the 4/5. She was given the option to go ahead and move and she jumped at the chance! She waltzed right on in there and posed for a pic! The girl's had some practice I tell ya! I now don't have a child in the baby room or the 2/3's! My babies are all growing up!!!
One day last week we went fishing after the kids got off of school....
Then a bath was a must-have but this takes it to a whole 'nother level! Love my silly kiddos!
Jay Lemonds.....
It's a choice...choose! I need to remind myself of this often.
Brayden threw this at me the other the ways boys show they care!
Then Karis draws me this...she doesn't like to be outdone! She is just like her momma!
Love when I get to treat's the little things!
Last Saturday our church had a booth in the A-fair. This was for the crafty people {not me} but we had another food booth that our small group worked a shift in.
Next to our food booth was a crawfish booth and it was STANK-Y but the kids loved getting to hold them....
The same day as A-fair Brayden also had a baseball tournament. We didn't fair so good (losing 2 out of 3 games) but Brayden loved that he got to see and play against some of his best friends!
One of my favorite days ever!!!!
Some of the best advice from a father to son that I have powerful!
We had inches of rainfall came through here the other night and there was some serious flooding although we didn't see too much of it at our house. It was crazy seeing all the flooding in our town!
Here are some pictures I snapshotted on Instagram of the flooding...crazy! None of these are mine...
Summer is ALMOST here!!!
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