Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Power of Pinterest...

I admit I am no super blogger or super crafter by any stretch of the imagination.  That's why I can totally laugh at this....crazy!

As you know this past Spring I did some renovations to my home in a few weeks time.  I happened to pin several of my DIY projects because...well that is just what you do.  And I wanted easy record for my own sake.  Hopefully a few people could benefit from the easy methods I myself had found and copied from...Pinterest of course.

There was one pin in particular that has blown up on Pinterest, the DIY curtain rod hanging frames.  It's totally crazy to me because it wasn't anything too fancy-schmancy or out of the box.  

However I was shocked today when I was reading my blogs in google reader when I came across this picture below.  It is from Country Girl Home and she was talking about how her pin was so popular on Pinterest that an online company was started from her pin!  This pic was also my inspiration for my curtain rod hanging frames as well.  Then I looked closer and realized MY PIN WAS ON THERE!

This is the actual pin and the cut-off picture that you see in the above snapshot...

I have no idea how many pins it has on Pinterest (I know it is in the thousands), but I have had at least 50,000 hits on my blog just for this one single pin!  Who knew that curtain rod hanging pictures would be so in demand?! Ha!

It's crazy what all the Internet has brought to our fingertips.  20 years ago we were in libraries, encyclopedias and catalogs to get our info and no telling what the information will be like when our kids are our age!  Kinda scary actually!!

1 comment:

  1. Amanda,
    You should add a "pin it" button to your posts. I did that a while back and then I was able to see how many things had been pinned. It blew my mind. I could tell that I had a lot more hits to my blog, but I never knew that it was from Pinterest. Then, I was able to find my blog on pinterest and see how many things have been pinned. It's pretty cool. That's neat about the blog you were featured on. The internet is a crazy thing.
