Thursday, January 5, 2012

Back in the swing of things

We are officially back in the swing of things, a new year and it has taken some time to get used to the adjustment.  I am not a "sleep in" kind of person (I am a morning person) however getting to sleep in until 7 over the break (sad that 7 is sleeping in huh?!) came to a screeching halt when I started back to work on Tuesday and had to be up by 5:30!  

However I sure was glad to see my sweet little ones!  I could see that they had grown even in 2 weeks, especially the babies!

Lucy was sooooo excited to see her friends!  Days before she would start asking every morning, "Are my friends coming today???" And then she would name everybody's name and want to know specifically if each one was coming.  Ax wasn't in the mood for hugs ha!

Brayden was very thrilled to have his friend Trey back!  They came down yesterday and told me that they had built something that was really cool and it was!

Trey got a rock painting collection for Christmas and brought it over for he and Brayden to do.  They were proud of these rocks and worked very hard on them!

I have to say I have truly enjoyed my Christmas gifts I got this year.  One being the computer I am typing it!  Also Jay got me a Steam Mop and I have enjoyed using that.  And Jay's mom got us this Keurig and we have gotten so spoiled!  I was the one who really wanted it but I will say now that somebody else loves it even more than me (ahem...jay)!  I don't think he quite understood why I wanted it at first but now he is hooked!  

Karis had a hard time going back to school this week and I was sad to see her go too.  But back in the routine and it's time for school!  Today she came home and told me she got a B on a comprehension test and she was only one of 3 in the whole class that even passed it!  So proud of her!!!

Lucy has been quite the ham lately!  She is saying funny stuff all the time and I don't want to forget some of the cute things they say at this age.  
  1. Last week when we were in the cabin in the mountains, she would call them the "cavin" and the "mount-nins".
  2. Last night when I was kissing Lucy goodnight, she started saying, "Let's kiss together!!!"  (She means lets kiss and smack at the same time.)
  3. Tonight when she tried some yams I made for dinner, she said, "My tummy is a party!"  (She is referring to the Gabba Gabba song that says, 'There's a party in my tummy, so yummy, so yummy!'
  4. When I called the kids to the table for dinner, she came running and sat in her seat.  Karis and Brayden were wrestling in the den and she said to them, "Ok. Guys...this is the last time I am going to tell you to come to table NOW!"  haha She has definitely heard me say that before!
  5. Jay bought them each a candy bar when he went to the store today and told them at dinner that he had a surprise for them if they ate all their dinner.  He tricked them and got them all excited about this "treat" and had them sit down at the table with their eyes closed and handed them each a bell pepper.  Brayden and Karis weren't so easily amused by the trick but Lucy starting screaming, "Yah!!!!!"  She was excited about the bell pepper and even was eating her pepper over her real treat...starburst!  Love it!

Looking forward to our weekend despite how busy it may be!

1 comment:

  1. Happy (belated) New Years. So glad it was a great Christmas and that everything is fine.

    Getting back in routine is hard the first days but after a couple days we adjust. Congratulations to Karis!!!

    Have a great weekend.
