Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas with Nonnie and Pop-Pop

Oh how I love the Christmas season and getting to spend time with family! We headed to Corinth to spend Christmas with Jay's family this weekend and it was great although some of it didn't go as planned. We has been there only a couple of hours when Brayden's eye started to look like this....
He had apparently touched some dog hair or something and he is highly allergic so he looked/felt pretty pitiful. After a nice, large dose of Benadryl, the itching stopped but even by the next morning, it was still completely swollen.

Nonnie and Lucy

Aunt Jessie and Nathan

Lucy laughing at Pop-Pop

The kids of course loved opening presents...they got so many nice things from Nonnie, Pop-Pop, Aunt Jessie and Grandmother and Pinto. However, Grandmother Lucy couldn't join us because we had gotten a call that morning that she needed to go to the ER because she thought she had a stroke. After many tests, they discovered that she had had a stroke and is still in the hospital and they are still running alot of tests to find out how severe it was. She seems to be doing well although still doesn't have all the feeling back in her hands, arm and face.

Karis opening presents for Lucy...

Willow Tree "The Christmas Story" that Nonnie got me (it's beautiful!)...

My boys and their guns...

I am enjoying my new SNUGGIE that Grandmother got me..

Before we headed out, we went up to the hospital so Grandmother Lucy could see the kids. They were dying to see her as well. She and baby Lucy have a very special bond. :)
Thanks Nonnie and Pop Pop for a great weekend although it wasn't as planned. We loved getting to hang out with yall and hope to have Grandmother home very soon!

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