Today we went to our 20 week ultrasound and I was really nervous about having a healthy baby. As some of you know, we found out at Brayden's 20 week ultrasound that he had clubbed feet. We were devastated and shocked and just weren't expecting someone to say that something was wrong with our baby. Looking back, it seemed like the end of the world but it wasn't. We had months of casting, doctor's visits, and surgery but he recovered just fine. After all, it could have been much worse. So this time we were hesitant to think we had a perfectly healthy baby. To be honest, I really wasn't looking forward to it but dreading it. HOWEVER, this baby seems to be very healthy with no problems that they could tell. I was so relieved! I am thankful that God answers prayers to not only give us a healthy baby, but for us to be able to conceive at all is such a gift. Thank you Lord for our little miracle...I am still amazed each time that something so intricate and perfect lives inside of me. What an honor and a blessing! Can't wait to meet this little one (and find out the sex when it is born)!

In this picture, his/her hands/feet were both up by its head! We have ourselves a little gymnast!
I am so glad that all is well with your baby. What a blessing! I pray for you regularly. Love you.