Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day 2013

 Happy Father's Day to all the Father's and Dads out there today!  I heard a special quote this morning that I have been thinking about...  

"Any man can be a Father, but it takes a special man to be a Daddy." Unknown

So true.  Thankful for the men in my life that have not only "fathered" a child, but that have been a "dad" too...been there to doctor boo-boo's, been at baseball games and gymnastics meets, taught the hard lessons in life, fixed their favorite foods, been to the never-ending school programs, etc.  Besides teaching them about the Lord and loving their mom, being present, available and supportive is the best gift a dad can give his children.

We started out the day with cooking daddy breakfast and giving him his Father's Day happies.  The kids had made him these keepsakes.  I love that Lucy said daddy was age 4 and that he was as big as God. :)

We got him this leather ipad bag he was wanting.  He was so excited about it and can't wait to use it!

After church we went to one of Jay's favorite places Outback for Father's Day!  We are happy to celebrate him today!

I know it appears my hair is short here but no I didn't cut it.

So thankful for my dad!  He was definitely available and present through the good and the bad times growing up and taught me some invaluable lessons in life.  He was a wonderful example of the Heavenly Father and modeled servanthood daily.  He is an even greater Pop and the kids adore him!

Also so thankful for Jay's stepdad Kevin because although he didn't father Jay, he has definitely been a dad to him.  He treated him as his own and loved him unconditionally.  He also is a wonderful Pop-Pop to my three!

Thankful for Pap, Jay's dad who lives in Florida!  We don't get to see him often but cherish the memories we do have with him and look forward to seeing him in just a few short months!

Thankful for all the "dads" in our lives and their contribution to who we are today!  Happy Father's Day!  WE LOVE YOU!

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