Tuesday, June 25, 2013

A day with my lovelies

Today was a day full of errands, time spent with my little ones.  I so enjoy days out with them and making memories.

First stop was the dentist...Lucy was literally giddy about going.  She was so excited!  Karis was nervous she was going to have to get braces...I told her it was a little early for that ha!  They all did great, had a great report from the dentist and no cavities for all!

Next stop was a homeschool meeting which was all new territory for me.  I have been doing research on curriculum and decided on the tried and true A beka to begin with.  I wanted something proven, trusted, and challenging so I am sticking with this for the upcoming school year.  My kids are THRILLED about it!

 I did order curriculum which should arrive in a few weeks.  Kinda nervous about the new changes but excited about this time with my kids.

Then we headed for a Chick-fil-a date!  My chicken sandwich was heart shaped!

 Then we made a stop by daddy's office to see him. The kids always love to surprise daddy and leave him a note on his board.  Lucy drew a family portrait for dad...so cute!  Does it resemble us?!

We had a quick stop by Walmart to get some things for our upcoming trip and Brayden had a quick chat with Willie...

My little model...

Had to include a few pics from my phone lately...Lucy the princess!

Love this quote I read in my Chronological reading...perfect timing!

I am learning that when He calls you to a task, He doesn't expect you to be qualified.  He expects obedience and then depending on HIM to complete you in your weakness, BIG things happen.

1 comment:

  1. Yay, no cavities!!!!!!

    Having a day with our kids is the best.

    Have a safe trip!!
