After we left Grace's house we headed over to Corinth to see Jay's family for Thanksgiving. Pop-Pop went to North Carolina to see his mom and daughters so we missed him. We got there Thanksgiving Eve and the girls enjoyed some makeovers with Aunt Jessie. They were in hog heaven!
While the girls were doing makeup and masks, Brayden worked hours on this masterpiece...
It was nice to sit by the fire and enjoy the evening!
Karis was SOOO proud to wear Aunt Jessie's hair extensions. She kept looking at herself in the mirror ha!
Lucy wore Aunt Jessie's nightgown that she wore when she was little...
Snuggles with Nonnie :)
Thanksgiving morning we watched the parade and then headed over to Grandmother and Pinto's house for the big lunch. The kids helped find/crack pecans in the yard.
Thankful to see Pinto up walking around. He wants to be out in the yard working so bad but just isn't able to. :(
The weather was absolutely perfect so we took a walk around the neighborhood.
This is a little church around the corner from Grandmother's house that Nonnie went to VBS at when she was little.
I love Grandmother's house which is also the the house that Nonnie and Aunt Judy grew up in. They take such good care of it and there isn't a speck of dirt or dust in that whole house. It is so cute and cozy!
An hour before lunch was even ready, Lucy was in her seat ready to eat ha!
Grandmother is the best cook I know, hands down. I want to be like her when I grow up!
The food was SOOOOO good!
The food was SOOOOO good!
The best meal I have had all year!
Obviously some kiddos (and their dad ahem!) were worn out!
While I did some Christmas shopping in Nonnie's shop, Jay took the kids to the park. I love her shop it is so cute and they have great stuff in there. This is just about a 1/4 of it.
We checked out some ads for deals on Black Friday and of course the kids threw in their Christmas wish list.
Jay asked them what they were thankful for and this was their funny.
I love these two like they are my grandparents!
We got home on Wednesday at about 8:30 and I turned around and went to Target when it opened at 9 to see what kind of deals there were. There wasn't anything I had to have and haven't been Black Friday (or Thursday) shopping in years I just wanted to get out in it for a while. I did end up getting some kids' Christmas presents and stocking stuffers but that was about all. It was fun though. I got home around midnight.
It was a great Thanksgiving. I was reminded once again how much I have to be thankful for and how much I take for granted so often. I am also aware of where those gifts came from and for that, I am most thankful!
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