Monday, October 22, 2012

My baby is sick

Saturday night right before Jonathan and Jenna left,  Lucy wouldn't eat her dinner which seemed odd because she usually eats great at night.  She wanted to lay in my bed and watch cartoons.  I knew she wasn't feeling well.  She started running fever and it was constant for at least 24 hours.  Even with rotating Motrin and Tylenol every 3-4 hours sometimes it still remained at 101.  We opted to stay home from church on Sunday and by Sunday afternoon she was complaining her throat was hurting. 

I knew it was probably strep because I looked in her mouth and it looked similar to when she had it twice over the summer.  So Sunday afternoon about 4 I packed us up and headed to the minor med we go to often and hoped to be back by dinner so we didn't pack any more meds or food. Well we sat in the waiting room from 4:40-7:30 then got moved to a room and stayed there until 9 when we saw the doctor.  What makes it worse?! My phone died so we were out of our minds bored and starving.  The doc took one look and didn't even culture it...strep.  We got some meds and were so glad to know she would be feeling better quickly.
 So today we hung out and cuddled and watched lots of movies.  Hopefully by tomorrow she will be back to her sweet, little, sassy self!
I don't like to see my kids hurt but I do like the extra cuddles I get when they are sick!


  1. Strep is a contagious throat infection. She might have gotten this infection from someone who also had it. It seems her immune system is quite low with this kind of infection because you said she’d experienced this before. To be safe, I think you should keep her away from people who also have strep, or from anyone who is also sick. Though I think she won’t get the same infection again.

  2. If your child experienced the strep symptoms again, particularly if the sore throat is severe and did not improve within 2 hrs of taking medicine, you must bring her to the pediatrician. Reminder: a strep is not an urgent sickness, but if you answer the need to bring her to the doctor that would be much better.

  3. Aww, your children really looked sick on the photo, but she still managed to look adorable. ;) It’s good that you went to her doctor as soon as possible and she was given the proper medication. After a few days of taking medicines, she'd surely go back from being energetic again. :)
