Thursday, April 30, 2009

Just a boring ole' update

I know I haven't blogged in a while and not much to update but just wanted to let you all know we are alive and taking one day at a time.  I went to the doctor yesterday and not dialated (not surprised) but after I left the doctor's office I started having lots of contractions.  Long story short of the past...I have gone into labor before 37 weeks with both Karis and Brayden and they had to stop them and then I come back a few days later and have a baby at 37 weeks.  So this was very typical of my history...almost to the day of both other pregnancies.  This has been almost photocopy storybook with all 3 so far.  I have had contractions for 2 days pretty heavy but are inconsistent some of the time and they aren't progressing terribly so I am enduring them and waiting on a change.  When I was at the doctor yesterday he (knowing my history) said, "Well Friday is 37 weeks so then you are welcome to 'act up.'"  He knew I would start contracting (which I have) and once you are 37 weeks they won't stop them basically.  So here we are... playing the waiting game.  I am keeping moms kids today and tomorrow while she is at FaithWalk (6 kids plus my 2) and hoping that the baby will wait until at least early next week so she and my sister-in-law don't have to leave their FW weekend.  I go back on Monday  so we are crossing our fingers he gives us some good news.  BUT these babies have a mind of their own don't they?  All in all, by the 12th we will have a baby which is just a week and a half away!  Oh and still...we can't decide on a name.  UGH!  But we are excited! to take my benadryl to try to sleep tonight...easier said than done!

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