Thursday, July 17, 2008

My kids new rooms revealed

We have been working on getting both of the kids new "big kid" beds and we finally finished them both tonight.  Karis got a full bed so that her grandmothers can sleep with her when they come and Brayden got a twin bed. Baby beds and toddler beds are now no longer in our house!  It is an exciting moment yet kinda sad at the same time.  This is a monumental occassion!

This is Karis' new room...she is so excited!

This is Brayden's new ball room...he is definitely in his element in his room now.  When I showed him his new room, he grinned and said, "I like it."  He started pointing at all the balls in his room, "baseball, football!"

My babies are quickly growing up!  


  1. Amanda, they look great!! What did you do with the baby and toddler beds?

  2. WOW!! The rooms are amazing Amanda!! Soooo cute!! :)

  3. They look so good! Great job. I am ready to do something new with Emma Kate's room I just have not mustered up enough engery!

  4. Love it!!! Great job. The look so fun!!! I am actually getting that same kitchen for Ava Grace next summer from a friend. Too cute!

  5. The new website look is great. You have really been busy since we left.
    We sure had a great time.
