Wednesday, July 16, 2008

A wild and crazy day...

Today my mom came out with our friends, Emily (Queen), Nick (Lee) and Timmy (Tate).  (They were foster children of ours years ago and have since been adopted and come to stay with my mom very often.)  WOW it has been an adventure of a day!  Nick did say on the way out here, "Momma Jane...this is going to be an adventure...."  And boy it has been!

The day started with playtime in the kids rooms, some bike riding outside and of course picnics with pretzels of course (as seen below)...

Then we went to the pool and the kids enjoyed a couple of hours playing while Lolli and I just chilled.

Timmy jumping in for a shot
Nick also making a shot

Emily pushing Brayden around on the lobster float

The kids playing at poolside

My sweet blue eyed boy

Lolli made Karis and I matching shirts so here we are sporting them...

The adventure begins....

My family gave me my birthday present early tonight because they just couldn't keep it from me!  It was a new digital camera and for those that know me, you know I have worn out my old one and needed a new one.  So I am so excited about it!  While the kids were upstairs playing, Lolli and I were sitting on the couch looking at it when Timmy runs downstairs and says this, "MOMMA JANE...BRAYDEN ATE A PEANUT AND HE IS CHOKING ON IT!!!"  Yes, Brayden is allergic to peanuts so I threw everything and went running!!!!  Brayden had gotten a hold of a mini-size Mr. Goodbar and had eaten the whole thing and the evidence was all over his face!  He was not choking...just coughing.  So I immediately ran and got him Benadryl and he was already scratching and turning red.  But soon after the meds took effect and he was fine.  But since he ingested it, we knew that he eventually would throw it up. So we had towels waiting and after a while, we just put him to bed because he seemed fine.  

This is him right after we gave him Benadryl (notice he is scratching)

Emily and Brayden

Nick watching a movie we started "College Road Trip" (great clean G rated movie by the way)
Then it continues....

Jay had taken Timmy fishing while we were watching the movie and he came in with this!!!  So since I had just put Brayden to bed, I got him back up so that he could see it.  And of course all the kids wanted to go outside to see it cleaned (because we are going to have fish tomorrow night for dinner).  So they are all outside watching it (gross) and Brayden starts coughing really bad.  So I brought him in and was going to give him a breathing treatment, when he started throwing up (several times).

Pitiful huh?  After we got him all cleaned up, Timmy brought Brayden his own dog and let Brayden borrow it so it would make him "feel better."  So Brayden sat through the whole breathing treatment (15 minutes or so) just like this.  

Then I was putting him to bed again and I left to go get him some sheets to put on the other bed in his room for the boys and I found Karis laying down with her brother rubbing his head because he was sick.  It was precious and she was being so motherly!  

Then Timmy hopped in too. :)
Tomorrow the adventure continues....


  1. the pictures are so cute!!!! i hope that yall are doing well!

  2. 1. That camera is from me also. I had no clue that is what they were getting you and that they were giving it to you then, but what´s new, I usually don´t know those things anyways.

    2. Timmy and Nick just didn´t make shots, they dunked that ball. You have to give credit where credit is due.

    3. It sounds like yall had tons of fun and I miss all of you very much. I wish I could have been there. I don´t think I have every had that many of my favorite kids in one spot before, and I missed it. Love yall. Good catch Timmy!
