Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Jay's Post

My husband Jay updated his blog today with some very cool information and I wanted to fill you all in.  Please click here to see his post.

1 comment:

  1. Amanda,

    I just wanted to say hello and to let you know that I enjoy reading your blog very much. You and Jay are such a witness for our Lord.

    Jay's blog today brought back so many memories for me. We attended church at First Baptist Arlington (TX) when we were in college and we volunteered at Mission Arlington. Ms. Tillie is such a Godly woman and her work is just amazing to me. If he ever gets a chance to go there and observe their work I would encourage him to do so.

    Also, we did prayers walks back home in Tx as well. We had a mothers group that did prayer walks at the local schools to pray for the students and teachers. It is very rewarding.

    I will keep you and Jay in my prayers as you continue to serve the Lord.

