Today was a celebration of the healing work of the LORD! I got a great report at the eye doctor but it was more than just a "good report."
It is a MIRACLE! Let me explain.
Ten years ago Labor day weekend (3 months after Jay and I married), I was getting out of the car to go to church and my eye went fuzzy and black (kinda like when you get up really fast and your sight goes fuzzy for a second but then comes right back) but I noticed minutes later my sight was still not normal. I mentioned it to Jay and we both started getting concerned but attributed it to maybe a migraine (although there was no pain involved and I had never had migraines really before). We prayed about it in our class and hours later when we were sitting at home I was really getting worried. By that evening (12 hours later) I still didn't have my sight back so we knew it was more than a migraine and we called a family friend eye doctor who lived 2 hours away. He said it didn't sound normal and we needed to see someone first thing the next morning. The problem was...the next day was Labor Day and every clinic was closed.
The next morning, Jay just got out the phone book (yes we still used them then...we didn't have iPhones yet!) and started calling eye doctors in the area. The first one he called answered immediately. Dr. Parker himself answered the phone and said they were closed but that he happened to be moving into the new building and just "happened" to be there at the time. Coincidence? I think not. He told us to immediately come in that he would take a look at me.
We drove 10 minutes away straight to the doctor. He immediately started looking at it and knew there was a major problem quickly. One of the first things he asked me was "Are you the (birth control) pill?" I told him yes (I was a newlywed married 3 months) and he told me to get off of them immediately and don't EVER take them again. He then proceeded to explain to me what had happened. The "pill" had caused me to have a stroke in my eye and there was basically a clot behind my eyeball and it was clouding my vision. He said that most of the time this kind of stroke happened, it happened to 80 year olds and they usually didn't get their sight back. My sight might come back but he couldn't promise anything. He did a variety of tests and thoroughly examined it.
He gave me some drops to relieve the pressure off of my eye and within a week or so, my sight started to come back. I went back every week for months and then he released me, but told me that if/when I got pregnant he wanted to see me again because the same hormone in the pill that caused the stroke is the same hormone released when pregnant and it could happen again. So I went every month when I was pregnant with Karis just 5 months later (did I mention I had to get off the pill? ha!) and throughout the whole pregnancy my sight was fine so I never went back.
Until today...
I haven't had any trouble or even blurriness out of my eyes since but seeing that it was 9 years ago, I decided it was time to go get them checked again.
GUESS WHAT?! This is where the miracle comes in.
The doctor checked my sight and did some extensive tests because of my history and she couldn't believe I was the same patient that my history talked about.
Not only did I have GREAT vision but she said it was 20/15 (I didn't understand what it meant but I guessed it meant my vision had declined and that I would need a small prescription). But the reason she was so shocked is that not only did the internal part of my eye look perfect (like nothing had ever happened at all), but that my vision was BETTER than 20/20!
My God is truly the HEALER and worthy to be praised! Thankful I serve a God who heals, hears prayers and has a sense of humor! Simply GRATEFUL!!!
Oh and these two cuties accompanied me to witness the miracle!
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