Thursday, February 19, 2009

The worst teaching day of my life

So Thursday I subbed at a local middle school for 8th grade science (won't mention the name).  I had no idea what the school was like and accepted the job.  Three times before I even got to my classroom that morning I had people tell me that these kids were "rough" and "ghetto" were the words they used.  Several of the kids even told me in homeroom "Your 3rd period is the worst...good luck."  The teacher next door said, "Yea these kids are really bad so don't feel bad if you have to call an administrator to your happens at this school every day." I was starting to get a little nervous although I am a very tough discipline teacher and have taught middle school for 6 years.  Let's just say I didn't sit all day (not even to write down the long list of students that were misbehaving) for fear that something would go terribly wrong when I turned my back.  I had silence for about 10 minutes the whole day and that was 1st period after I had spent 45 minutes demanding silence and when my energy and patience still weren't running out.  Throughout the day, I had someone steal my bracelet off my desk and it was circulating the room, I got locked out of the classroom by a student (thank goodness there were no students in the room), took up an ipod and then had the two students talk back so bad I had to call an administrator (thank goodness it was the last 30 minutes of the day), and MUCH attitude like I have NEVER seen before.  I even asked the other teachers at lunch where these kids went to high school and they told me, "Bartlett or Cordova but most go to 201 Poplar!"  I have never felt so miniscule in my life and it is safe to say I will take that school off my list and will NOT be back.  

*I do think if I was a real teacher at this school it wouldn't have been as bad as my experience but as a have very little leverage especially not knowing the kids, their names or what they are capable of.

Let's just say that I was VERY glad when that day was over!

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