Sunday, August 9, 2009

Stay-at-home job..a. must read


In order to fill you in on my job, I must first tell you how we got here because the process has been one of those "aha" moments with the Lord. As most of you know, I am a former teacher. I taught for 6 years before the summer of 2007 brought about a change in the Lemonds family. I was driving an hour to work each way with 2 kids under 2 1/2, was still nursing Brayden, left at 6:00 a.m. only to return at 6:00 p.m. and was being stretched way thin. I wasn't a good teacher, mom or wife and felt as I was just getting by in every area of my life. The idea of staying home with my children was a dream to me. However resigning was scary to me and to be honest, financially impossible. However the Lord wouldn't let me quit "dreaming" about it. In June of 2007, about a week after school was out, I was doing some reading while the kids were napping and that day changed my life. I was reading in Genesis 12 where God told Abram,

"Get out of your country, from your family, and from your Father's house, to a land that I will show you. I will make you a great nation. I will bless you and make your name great. And you shall be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you, and I will curse those who curse you. And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed."

And that is exactly what Abram did.

When I read that, I knew God was telling me to leave my job and He was promising me that He would bless it. It was an overwhelming, and almost physical sensation, and I knew that was my confirmation that the Lord was telling me to resign and stay home with my children. I was hysterically crying (you know...that UGLY cry) and Jay came in from working outside. I think I scared him to death because he frantically said, "WHAT'S WRONG???" After I caught my breath, I explained to him what the Lord had showed me and that I KNEW I had to stay home and if I didn't, I would be disobedient. He just began grinning, because you see, if you know my husband, you know that he is the dreamer and I am the realist. He then told me that 2 years prior to that God had given him the same scripture while He was in Africa (twice...on 2 different trips) and he didn't really know what God was showing him through the scripture but God wouldn't let him forget it either. He explained to me that he didn't care if the numbers weren't adding up and that he was tired of TRULY not living on faith. He too knew we had to take a leap of faith, even though we had no idea it was going to happen or how bills were going to be paid. To make a long story short, we began praying for me a part time job and at the last minute of that summer (as He usually works) I got a TST job which is basically part time teaching. The Lord had provided and I was able to stay home the past two years while doing that job. (I will say that there were some scary months and ALOT of months, the numbers still didn't add up...but God provided every time...sometimes to the dollar amount. That is a whole different story in itself. God is good!)

Last September when we found out we were pregnant with Lucy, I had a feeling a new transition was coming. After all, my part time job was not going to pay for THREE kids in Mother's Day Out. This year is my only year to have all 3 at home before Karis goes to Kindergarten next Fall, so I wanted to be able to be home with them full time. I was scared to death because I do not tolerate change very well especially when I have no idea what the outcome will be. Early this summer, I sent out a flier to local schools around my area advertising myself to babysit teacher's kids. In my mind, I knew I had to get 2 kids to be able to pay the bills. But I told Jay that if I had at least ONE commit, then I would resign because I wanted to keep my word to that family. Again it was a leap of faith...scary! All summer I knew with only one child, the bills wouldn't get paid. But I did have ONLY ONE commit, but I resigned anyway. I was trusting in the Lord and being obedient and KNEW that he would take care of us. After all, we had seen it over and over again. Well we all know the Lord works last minute most of the time and 2 days prior to me starting my home day care, I got a call from another lady saying she had her son enrolled in a daycare but wanted to come meet me. And the Lord answered our prayer once again, and had provided for our family. I now have 2 teacher's children in my home (and another one coming in January) and get to stay home with all three of mine, all day. Man the Lord is good!

I love my new job and these two precious boys. But most of all, I love how the Lord keeps his promise that He will take care of His children. Because He does...every time.

Even if it is last minute.

This is Landon (6 months old) and is precious. He is a happy little baby and such a joy!
Check out those gorgeous blue eyes!

And this is Axton (4 months old). His smile is contagious and will melt your heart!

And if you made it to the end of this, thank you for hearing me out. I couldn't possibly forget to tell you of how the Lord is working in our lives.

Psalm 63:3 "Your love, oh Lord, is better than life. My lips will praise you."

1 comment:

  1. amanda.
    thank you so much for posting this. it was a blessing to my heart to read it. i do something very similar.

    i work 2 days a week, ( mon & tues) keeping 2 little girls. ages 2 & 5 months. ben & i are good friends with the parents. i travel to their house, which is a 45 minute drive, to watch them. i only keep them from 8-4 both days but the kicker is, i get to bring jack with me. Praise the Lord!

    our 2nd baby is due in early february & right now the plan is for me to pack up both kids & make the drive to keep these other 2 kids. we don't have the money for me to quit. but at least jack & baby #2 get to come with me. i'm very overwhelmed b/c by the time this baby comes, & i'm back at work i'll have a 2.5 year old, 15 month old, 1 year old & newborn!!! so please pray for me.

    we are going to pray about the possibility of me stopping this babysitting job once this baby is born, but right now we don't have a clear word from the Lord about it. at least this a job where i can still be with both my kids, so i am thankful.

    i really admire your obedience to the Lord in this area. i believe so many other moms are probably in the same boat but feel trapped. thanks for the encouragement!!

    have a fun week with all the kiddos!
