Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Spring Vacation

It has become tradition for us to go to the beach every spring for a few days and we were so looking forward to getting out of the city for a few days. 

 It started off kinda rocky because the place we had booked was NOT what it was advertised.  We actually booked a place that was like an apartment so that we could take/cook our own meals.   It also advertised several large pools with slides which our kids were very excited about.  However when we got there….it was a tad shocking.  The pools were drained and or green, there was NO oven in the apartment and only a small hotel sized refrigerator.  We had brought huge prepared meals to cook for 12 people so that apparently was not going to work!

Long story short we left the first night and went to find another place that was much better!  The new place didn't have slides but the pool was amazing and heated.  The kids had a blast for a few days!

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