Not too long ago we got to Skype in with my family to see what Jon and Jenna were having. We loved getting to be a part of it!
And….ITS A BOY! Sam will be a big brother!
On March 18 we celebrated 2 years of Karis and Brayden being believers! That was such a sweet day! Please pray for Lu she has been asking a lot of questions lately and we see the Lord speaking to her little heart!
Lucy chose to go on her first local field trip…to see the play Pinocchio. She loved it and I was so proud of her because it was all in the local language!
We also went to see the new Cinderella movie but it only played in English at 9:30 at night so we were the only ones in the theater. The kids had a ball dancing around!
When we got out it was magically snowing on March 20th! It was beautiful!
My shopping buddies!
Meet my new friend Di!
Recently I got some alone time with my Lu…she is such a sweetheart and treasures one on one time so much as do I.
"Mom I am pretending this hot chocolate is like daddy's coffee." :)
We got a package from Roxy and Pap!
Thanks Roxy…such a treat!!!! You're the best!