Well, we went to the doctor yesterday and we got some good news. As most of you know, at our 20 week doctor's visit they did the routine ultrasound when they found that Brayden had "club feet." This is where the tendons in the foot are somewhat short and cause the foot to turn in and must be corrected for the child to walk normally. This was not expected but we were not necessarily too surprised due to the fact that Jay and I both had it as babies. They kept telling us it wasn't genetic, but how was this not? We saw an orthopeodic doctor yesterday (on his 2 week birthday) and found out that only one of his feet are clubbed, not both. He did have to get casting on his left foot and we will probably know in the next few weeks how long or how extensive the treatment will be. We are probably looking at getting a new cast on his foot once a week for maybe up to 6 months. He did great and is adjusting a little to not being able to pull his legs up to his body as normal. All in all, we are thankful that it is correctable and can't wait to see him run and play someday! I have attached a few pics of yesterday at the doctor....

AHHH! Poor baby! I hope all goes well with the treatments!