Well we finally have Brayden added to our family. He was born on June 27th at 8:00 a.m. weighing 7 lbs. 3 oz. and was 21 inches long. He is absolutely precious and we are all doing well. We came home from the hospital on Friday and have had a few days at home so far. I am recovering from surgery of course and Brayden is adjusting to a new home, schedule, and family. Karis loves him dearly but is adjusting to a new family member as well. We have taken tons of pics but I will add a few of our favorites for you to see. Brayden looks just like a boy version of Karis as a baby but resembles his daddy very much!

Jay and Brayden in the hospital room. He is 2 days old here.

Brayden's first time in his room the day we came home from the hospital.

Brayden in his bed. He is 6 days old here.

This is the Lemonds' by the pool. Brayden is 6 days old here. He is snoozing!

Karis and Brayden in Brayden's bed. Karis' shirt says "I'm the big sister!"

Daddy and Brayden minutes after birth. Jay is obviously a "proud papa."

This is a picture of Jay and the kids in the hospital.

This is Brayden and mom hours after he was born.

Jay and Karis in the hospital. She looks so big!

This is Karis' first glimpse of baby Brayden. She was pointing out all of his facial features. She had no idea what was going on and is still trying to figure it out I think.

This is the Lemonds' family as we are checking out of the hospital. Brayden is 4 days old.
More pics to come....